Monday, September 15, 2008

PartyZone marketing News - September Issue 2

Welcome to another issue of "PartyZone Marketing News ".

This issue includes...

1) "Weekly Marketing Freebies"

2) "5 Tips to Double Your Email Open Rates"

1. Today's freebie is a neat social bookmarking tool.

What you get is a small piece of code which you can insert
into your web page or blog.

This will then place a small button on your page which
your visitors can use to add your site to their favourites
or to add to social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Furl,

You get a choice of buttons, plus there's also a Wordpress
plugin which adds one of these widgets to the end of each
blog post.

Pretty cool isn't it? You can pick up this neat gizmo

>>>>> Effective Marketing Strategies <<<<<

5 Tips to Double Your Email Open Rates!

It seems that one of the biggest problems a lot of people
are having is getting their readers to open emails.

Hey, you can be promoting the best product on the
internet, and have the most compelling cash sucking email
copy of all time...

...but if you haven't got a compelling subject lines that
get the emails open, it all counts for nothing.

So today I'd like to give you five tips for writing
effective email subject lines that could DOUBLE the open
rates on your next email.

#1: Use personalization for added attention!

Studies have proven that personalized subject lines that
contain the name of your readers can get almost TWICE as
many people to open your email.

Ever been in a large crowd and you suddenly hear your name
being called?

Even if they're not talking to you, you still
automatically look up without even thinking - right?

That's because hearing your name instantly gets your

Well, sending out an email with a personalized subject
line is the equivalent of calling someone's name in a
crowd. It has that same power to grab their attention.

#2: Keep your subject lines SHORT!

In my testing, subject lines that are under 35 characters
have much higher opening rates than those with subject
lines longer than 35 characters.

So keep it short and sweet!

You don't need to explain in detail what the email is
about in the subject line, you just need to create a sense
of urgency or make people curious enough to entice them to
open the email. For example...

Jim, I'm calling it quits.


Is this yours David?

This way, if someone's email program cuts off the end of
the subject line (which is pretty common) you'll still get
your message across.

#3: Avoid using all UPPER CASE words!

If you sent an email to a friend, asking them if they
wanted to go out, would you type your subject line like

What are you doing tonight?

Or like this...


Good chance you wouldn't use the subject line with the
capitalization because it's 'in your face' and less
'friendly'. So why would your emails to your readers have
subject lines formatted like that?

The more your subject lines look like personal emails from
friends or family members, the more effective they will be
and the more likely it is they will be opened.

So avoid capitalizing each word (or the entire subject
line) to increase your chances of getting your messages
opened and read by your readers.

#4: Use a compelling "benefit" to gain interest!

A powerful approach to get your emails opened is to
include a major benefit that your readers will recieve when
they read your email.

If you can tell them how they're going to save money, save
time or make their lives easier by reading your message,
you'll have the most success. For example... Here's a $97
gift for you Andy.

And if you can, make sure you put your most important
benefit at the beginning of the subject line. This will
increase your open rates even further.

#5: Your subject line relates to your content!

No-one likes to be fooled or tricked, so make sure your
subject line is highly related to the message of your email.

If your subject line says... "Alex, make $260 in 3 hours",
you need to ensure you actually discuss how they can do
this - and preferably within the first few paragraphs.

If you fail to do this your visitors will feel let down
and cheated, and they will be less likely to open your next

If you follow these simple tips you should be able to
increase your open rates by up to 50% and earn even more
income promoting of your favorite products.

Cheryl Pierce

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